LMTA Wins National Award
Post date: Apr 8, 2017 10:49:12 PM
By Jo Riecker-Karl
The Lincoln Music Teachers Association [LMTA] recently received the Music Teachers National Association [MTNA] 2017 Local Association of the Year Award. Charlotte Heermann, long standing LMTA member, accepted a $1,000 check and plaque from MTNA President Johnson on behalf of LMTA at the MTNA National Conference in Baltimore, Maryland during their Annual Business Meeting on March 21. This award recognizes the significant accomplishments and important work of LMTA for Nebraska MTA, MTNA, and the music teaching profession. MTNA stated in its congratulatory letter, "Your local association and its membership exemplify the very best in MTNA through your activities, participation in state and national programs, and membership growth".
Charlotte Heermann (left) with LMTA President Svetlana Yashirin. Heermann (left), long standing LMTA member, accepted a $1,000 check and plaque from MTNA President Johnson on behalf of LMTA at the MTNA National Conference in Baltimore, Maryland during their Annual Business Meeting on March 21.
The MTNA Local Association award comes at a special time in LMTA history. Founded in 1942, LMTA is celebrating its 75th Anniversary this year. On May 17th LMTA will host a celebratory luncheon catered by Greta’s Gourmet Catering from 11:30-1:00 PM at Fellowship Community, 8601 Holdrege, Lincoln, Nebraska. Joan Reist and Charlotte Heermann will present reflections of LMTA history. Marcelo Lian, pianist, will play tangos. Past LMTA Presidents will be recognized and scrapbooks and awards displayed. Interested parties may contact www.LMTA.info for more information and to register.
As another way to celebrate its 75 years, LMTA will reimburse the ticket cost for students of LMTA members who attended the Piano Lied Series concert by artist Richard Goode on April 2.
LMTA is a nonprofit organization of independent music teachers and college faculty whose mission is to provide quality music instruction, continuing education and mutual support among members and their students, and community outreach for the promotion of the arts. The highlights for the 2016-17 school year include the LMTA Extravaganza (a monster concert consisting of a keyboard orchestra and strings) and the biennial LMTA Composition Contest.
In 2016 The Lincoln Music Teachers Association won the Gladys Lux Education Award from the Mayor’s Arts Awards for its LMTA Music Outreach Program which offers deeply discounted lessons, instruments and free sheet music to children who could not otherwise afford them. LMTA-MOP is supported in part by grants from the Lincoln Arts Council, Nebraska Arts Council & the Nebraska Cultural Endowment, the Lincoln Community Foundation, the Pearle Francis Finigan Foundation, the Cooper Foundation, the Harris Foundation and Viking Foundation in addition to private donations, LMTA fundraisers and partnerships with local businesses. In 2011, the M.U.S.I.C. (Music for UnderServed Interested Children) Endowment was established with the Lincoln Community Foundation to benefit MOP.
Meetings with an educational component are held each month from September through May. Music teachers from all disciplines are invited to join. More information may be found at www.LMTA.info. Tax-deductible donations to LMTA-MOP or the M.U.S.I.C. Endowment may be made through the website.
LMTA Board of Directors: First Row left to right: Jo Riecker-Karl, Publicity Chair; Lois Burger, Corresponding Secretary; Svetlana Yashirin, President; Jessica Freeman (Assistant Treasurer/Music Outreach Chair); Cindy Matz (Member at Large); Charlotte Heermann (Lincoln Arts Council Representative); Wanda Mandigo (MOP Grants Chair), Karen DeJabet (Treasurer); Second Row left to right: Marcelo Lian (Vice President/(Membership); Marcia Wiebers (Teacher Information Secretary); Chad Houk (Advisory); Jane Sonneland (Immediate Past President/Advisory); Priscilla Kliewer (Historian)
Not pictured: Marina Fabrikant (President –Elect/Programs); Shoira Khamidova (Notification Secretary); Nancy Schoen (Recording Secretary/Advisory); Lisa Myers (Member at Large); Alice Miller (Yearbook Sponsorship Ads)