Meet Robert Goldberg Music Outreach Administrative Assistant and LMTA & MOP Bookkeeper
Before moving to Lincoln, Robert Goldberg worked extensively with vulnerable communities as Associate Director of Community Outreach and Education at the Ravinia Festival in Chicago. In his role as Associate Director he oversaw several programs, most notably the Lawndale/Ravinia Community Music School, One Score, One Chicago, and the Jazz Mentor Program. The Lawndale Music School was a partnership with the Chicago Park District to bring free music instruction to one of Chicago’s most blighted Southside neighborhoods. In addition to offering instruction in a variety of instruments, Ravinia also engaged artists to give summer outdoor concerts in Lawndale.
One Score, One Chicago was a classical music literacy program meant to expose non-traditional communities to classical music. In addition to bringing thousands of new concert-goers to the park through free tickets and transportation, the program printed and disseminated 500,000 free CDs and program guides across the city via public libraries and schools. Classes were also offered at public libraries across the city.uiiu
In addition to his work at LMTA Robert also manages the community and education programs at the Lincoln Arts Council. He has been an on-air host and producer at Nebraska Public Radio and has worked in New York and Paris as an arts administrator at Carnegie Hall and as the International Distribution Director at the independent records label Opus 111.